The Ibero-American Cochrane Center, responsible for coordinating the Ibero-American Cochrane Network, celebrates 25 years of history.

XVIII Meeting of the Ibero-American Cochrane Network
The Ibero-American Cochrane Center, responsible for coordinating the Ibero-American Cochrane Network, celebrates 25 years of history.
The Ibero-American Cochrane Center is one of the international centers of Cochrane, responsible for coordinating the Ibero-American Cochrane Network, which includes Spain and 18 other Spanish-speaking countries in Ibero-America. This year, the Ibero-American Cochrane Center celebrates 25 years of history, coinciding with the XVIII Meeting of the Ibero-American Cochrane Network held between October 17 and 20 at the Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau in Barcelona, Spain.
As the Epistemonikos Foundation, we will participate in the meeting with the representation of the Director of Innovation in Research, Francisca Verdugo-Paiva. On the first day, Monday, October 17, at 3:30 pm, the Round Table [in English]: Knowledge Transfer will take place, moderated by Tiffany Duque, Coordinator of the Cochrane Geographic Groups, and Gonzalo Casino, Ibero-American Cochrane Center:
Holger Schünemann (McMaster University, Canada). Bridging decision-making in health – the theory of everything.
Sally Green (Cochrane Australia). Knowledge translation for health systems.
Andrés Viteri (Ministry of Health, Ecuador). Implementing an evidence ecosystem for policy documents.
Juan Erviti (Navarre Health Service, Spain). Knowledge translation for the patient. Different complementary approaches.
Francisca Verdugo (Epistemonikos, Chile). Sustainable knowledge translation.
On the second day, Tuesday, October 18, at 9:00 am, Parallel Workshops will be held in classrooms 04, 06, and 07 of the Casa de Convalescència:
Introduction to Cochrane systematic reviews: evaluation of health interventions
Instructors: María José Martínez, Stefanie Suclupe.
Use of Epistemonikos tools to optimize evidence identification
Instructors: Francisca Verdugo, Luis Ortiz.
Introduction to GRADE (continues on the 19th)
Instructors: David Rigau, Carlos Canelo, Jéssica Beltrán, Pablo Alonso.
On Wednesday the 19th, Parallel Workshops continue from 9:00 am:
Introduction to GRADE (continues from the 18th)
Instructors: David Rigau, Carlos Canelo, Jéssica Beltrán, Pablo Alonso.
Introduction to Cochrane systematic reviews: evaluation of diagnostic test evidence
Instructors: Ingrid Arévalo-Rodríguez, Nieves Plana.
Living evidence to inform health decisions
Instructors: María Ximena Rojas (Principal Investigator of the Living Evidence Framework), Francisca Verdugo.
Critical reading of intervention studies (SR and RCT)
Instructors: Rocío Fuentes, Ruvistay Gutiérrez, Natalia Chahin.