
Journal Club is an initiative of the Scientific Teaching Department of the Regional Council aimed at healthcare professionals, medical students, and the general scientific community.


Journal Club Colmed Santiago: "Analyzing the Evidence, Papillomavirus"

Journal Club is an initiative of the Scientific Teaching Department of the Regional Council aimed at healthcare professionals, medical students, and the general scientific community.

Originally published by Colmed Santiago.

The Scientific Teaching Department of the Regional Council invites colleagues and doctors in general to participate in the first Journal Club talk of the year entitled "Papillomavirus: Let's Analyze the Evidence". The discussion will take place on Monday, May 23, at 7:00 p.m. via our Youtube channel.

Journal Club is an initiative aimed at healthcare professionals, medical students, and the general scientific community. This time, the study titled “Long-Term Effects of Human Papillomavirus Vaccination in Clinical Trials and Real-World Data: A Systematic Review” will be addressed, with presentations by Dr. Gabriel Rada Giacaman, Internist, researcher, teacher, Co-founder, and director of the Epistemonikos Foundation; and Dr. Jesús Acuña Martínez, Medical Surgeon specializing in Gynecology and Obstetrics, University of Chile.

"The idea of ​​this first Journal Club is to start by evaluating the existing evidence on public health decision-making regarding topics such as Papillomavirus. We want to reposition a preventive activity based on evidence", detailed Dr. Anamaría Arriagada, president of the Scientific Teaching Department and treasurer of the Santiago Medical College.

Those who wish to participate in this dialogue, knowledge, and debate session can do so by registering on the following form.



Dr. María Jesús Acuña is a Medical Surgeon from the University of Santiago, specialized in Gynecology and Obstetrics, University of Chile. Subspecialist in Oncological Gynecology, University of Chile. Accredited Colposcopist by the American Academy of Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology.

She is a member of the Association of Gynecologists of Chile. She is currently working at the Dr. Juan Noe Crevani Regional Hospital and at the San José Clinic in the same city.

Dr. Gabriel Rada Giacaman is an Internist, researcher, and teacher; associate professor in the Department of Internal Medicine at the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile; director of the Evidence Center UC; co-founder and president of the Epistemonikos Foundation and director of Cochrane Chile.