The director and co-founder of Epistemonikos, was invited to speak at a extraordinary session regarding the efficacy and safety of COVID-19 vaccines.

Chilean Academy of Medicine Conference on COVID Vaccines
The director and co-founder of Epistemonikos, was invited to speak at a extraordinary session regarding the efficacy and safety of COVID-19 vaccines.
On Wednesday, January 11, 2023, an extraordinary session of the Chilean Academy of Medicine took place, to which Gabriel Rada, MD, Director and co-founder of Epistemonikos, was invited to speak.
The session was organized by Joaquín Montero, MD, Honorary Member of the Chilean Academy of Medicine, who also invited Marcelo Wolff, MD, and Professor Eduardo Arriagada. Emilio Roessler, MD, President of the Academy, introduced the meeting by noting that in the medical community there has been a "concern about the low number of vaccinations at this time, because of prejudice, and the reasons, one of them is undoubtedly pandemic fatigue". Roessler further indicated that "we will probably prepare a document to give to the health authorities so that they can take the corresponding measures".
The conference began with an introductory presentation by Montero, in which he expressed that "despite the evidence of the effectiveness of vaccines in preventing diseases and avoiding 2 to 3 million deaths per year, many people refuse to be vaccinated due to fear or doubts generated by lack of information". Adding that in Chile "there is still reluctance to the fifth dose campaign on the part of health personnel, we have had 20% of the personnel vaccinated since October". The family physician of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile also stated that "the Academy has a role to play, how can we become part of the communications of this pandemic".
Gabriel Rada: "information on the effects of each of the vaccines is accessible to all"
Immediately following Montero's presentation, Gabriel Rada, Associate Professor at the Faculty of Medicine of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile and Director of the Epistemonikos Foundation, gave a presentation.
Rada referred to the evidence on COVID-19 and vaccine efficacy, in particular, a recent Cochrane systematic review using the COVID-19 L.OVE developed by Epistemonikos, of which he is co-author. In his presentation, the director of Epistemonikos expressed that "we already know the effects of each of the vaccines, and this information is accessible by anyone". In addition, he stressed that "based on dozens of studies with hundreds of thousands of patients, we can affirm that most vaccines reduce or, in the case of some vaccines, probably reduce the number of people who contract the disease and who contract severe COVID-19; for that the evidence is categorical. For some vaccines the evidence is of high certainty, that is, even if many new trials came out, it would not change, or has a negligible chance of changing."
Inmediatamente posterior a la presentación del Dr. Montero, siguió la presentación del Dr. Gabriel Rada, Profesor Asociado de la Facultad de Medicina de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile y director de Fundación Epistemonikos.
The co-founder of Epistemonikos addressed some of the main controversies in COVID-19 vaccines, such as whether there are differences between vaccines, efficacy on different variants, differences between schedules, among others.
At the end of Wolff's and Arriagada's presentations, the floor was opened for questions. Rada was asked by the President of the Academy about the evidence on the causal relationship between vaccines and serious adverse effects, which is not yet well defined in the literature. To which the speaker replied: "What matters is to weigh the benefits of an intervention against its risks, and what we do know is that the risks of vaccines are extremely low, particularly the major adverse effects".
El co-fundador de Epistemonikos abordó algunas de las principales controversias en vacunas COVID-19, como si hay diferencias entre las vacunas, la eficacia sobre distintas variantes, las diferencias entre esquemas, entre otras.
Watch the recording: