We celebrated the new version of L.OVE, now with free access to all systematic reviews, that maps, organizes and makes available all the evidence relevant to make health decisions.

All health evidence, free and organized in one place: Epistemonikos launched the new L.OVE
We celebrated the new version of L.OVE, now with free access to all systematic reviews, that maps, organizes and makes available all the evidence relevant to make health decisions.
With the company of great collaborators and friends, in addition to the more than 200 people who followed the live broadcast, on December 4th we celebrated the new version of L.OVE -Living OVerview of Evidence-, the most comprehensive, reliable and cost-efficient technological solution to obtain and organize relevant evidence in health.
After several months of work, tests and evaluations, we are proud to launch the new version -now with free access to all systematic reviews- of this system of technological tools that maps, organizes and makes available all the evidence relevant to make health decisions.
More than 50 people attended our event, our great Epistemonikos network of collaborators and friends, a very important part of what keeps this overview of evidence “living”.
From the Chilean Ministry of Health, Dr. Dino Sepúlveda affirmed that working with L.OVE, alongside Epistemonikos, has allowed them to “achieve a total of 200 annual recommendations, generate clinical guidelines with greater efficiency (in approximately 12 to 14 months) and with a standard of much higher quality (GRADE). We couldn’t have achieved this with a traditional method. Here the collaboration has been key to generate a much more structured work, with better methodology and level of production”.
Dr. Sepúlveda serves as Head of the Department of Evaluation of Health Technologies and Evidence-Based Medicine at the Chilean Ministry of Health, a position from which he has worked in the development of clinical guidelines with Epistemonikos using L.OVE since 2016.
For her part, Dr. María Francisca Rodríguez narrated her experience using L.OVE for the development of evidence synthesis projects, which she leads in her department in the San Sebastián University: “I declare myself a ‘SuperL.OVER’ not only because I am a Collaborator from Epistemonikos Network, but also because L.OVE allows people to approach science and facilitate its use when making decisions” explains Dr Rodríguez, adding that the undergraduate and graduate students who have participated in her project (in this case, synthesis of evidence in Rheumatoid Arthritis) have been able to “answer research questions much faster, but also develop their skills by learning the methodology and improve their academic CVs by publishing their work in prestigious scientific journals and in Congresses such as the recent Cochrane Santiago. Likewise, -she adds- we have also been able to improve our teaching, in our case”.
The President and Co-Founder of Epistemonikos, Dr. Gabriel Rada, began his speech explaining that “anyone who has approached the synthesis of evidence knows the high cost in time and effort required to generate systematic reviews, clinical practice guides, the searching of literature, review results. It’s a tsunami of scientific information almost impossible to deal with traditional methods”.
“This price is paid indirectly by health professionals and patients/users,” continues Dr Rada, “who are faced with the problems of traditional databases to access evidence in a timely manner”, and explains that “it’s with the objective of efficiently managing this information that L.OVE and its new version are born”.
Among the guests who accompanied us were authorities and members of various projects and institutions related to the work of L.OVE, such as scientific societies, clinics and hospitals, evidence centres and more.
Living OVerview of Evidence
L.OVE is the first technological solution that maps, organizes and makes available for everyone making health decisions all of the best evidence. This tool allows you to significantly reduce the cost in hours of work, team effort and all aspects considered in evidence synthesis, as well as when elaborating clinical guides and other derived products.
L·OVE builds upon a collection of around 300.000 systematic reviews coming from the most important and trustworthy sources, gathered through our Epistemonikos database, the most complete in health evidence in the world.
With our renovated L.OVE, we have a tangible way of promoting and encouraging properly informed decision-making, providing the best and most relevant health evidence, always up to date, and freely accessible for patient caring, clinical guidelines development, public health assessment, policymaking, and all the different contexts where it’s needed.
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